Madison County Government
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07 February, 05:54

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 P o s i t i o n  information

Position ID:04192023
Position Title:Animal Control Officer
Experience Level: 
Facility:Board of Commissioners
Number of Vacancies:1
Description:The Madison County BOC has an opening for a Dog Control Officer. Candidate must be able to provide a valid Georgia driver’s license, pass a back ground check and drug screen. The candidate must be able to sit, stand, stoop, bend, crouch, walk and be able to lift 50 pounds. Candidate must be able to work around noise, contagious or infectious diseases, irritating chemicals, dust, dirt, and grease, machinery with moving parts, dangerous animals, and cold or inclement weather conditions. The work requires the use of protective devices such as masks and gloves. You may apply on line or in person at the Human Resource Department located in the Government Complex Monday-Friday from 9-4. Madison County is an equal opportunity employer and a drug free work place. Salary will be based on experience. 706-795-6309. Madison County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and drug free work place.

 Contact information

Address:PO Box 147 Danielsville, GA 30633
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